
October 5th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler

All the staff of North Uist medical practice would like to give a huge thank you to the community for their incredible support at the bring and buy sale.

We all enjoyed the night and were amazed to find the total amount raised coming to £2564.10

Click below to  see some pictures of events.

Bring and buy gallery.

I will post more info on the new defibrillator when we buy it in the next week or two.

We will have a significant amount of money left over and will have to think about other equipment that we could buy for the practice to improve our service.  This could be medical equipment, but it could also be things to improve your experience in the practice i.e. a hot drinks machine, artwork etc.  Use your imagination…  if there is anything you would really like to see the money used for then drop us a line – either on the feedback form, or as a comment on this post.

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