On-line prescriptions.

March 12th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler

The on-line prescription service has proved to be very popular with some of our patients.  The feedback seems to be that it is helpful to be able to place orders at any time 24/7, and it avoids the annoyance of repeatedly hearing an engaged tone when calling at busy times during the day.

Our receptionists find online scripts to be a lot more efficient – so would be keen to free up the telephone even more if possible.

So far to date we have had 53 prescription requests through the net – but we would love it if it could be used a lot more.

So… next time you are about to pick up the phone to order a script.  Think about dropping us an email instead by going to E-practice on the website – or just click here to go straight there. We would really appreciate it, and you might find it easier than you think!

One tip for people using the service multiple times…. make a document in word or notepad with all your drugs written on it.  Save it on your computer, and the next time you need to send us a request you could just copy and paste the ones that you need… saving you from having to write everything out again.

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