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North Uist PPG.

December 1st, 2011 by Dr Wheeler.

The North Uist patient participation group has had 2 further meetings where a range of topics were discussed. The minutes can be downloaded from here for the meeting on the 1.9.11 and here for the meeting on the 27.10.11

To contact your representatives please email them at…

Ms Sandi Humphrey—Sollas
Mrs Chrstina Dick—Lochmaddy
Mrs Isa Mackillop—Locheport
Mr Archie Campbell—Bayhead
Mrs Theona Morrison—Grimsay
Mr John Maclean—Berneray


October 12th, 2011 by Dr Wheeler.

I am pleased to introduce to you the two new arrivals in North Uist medical practice.

Dr Woods has come over from Glasgow where she has been working for the last few years.  She brings a wealth of experience to North Uist and has a special interest in respiratory medicine.

Jan Barker has been in post for just over 3 months now as our new practice nurse.  She has already fitted in very well with the team.  I am sure many of you have got to know her over the past weeks.

I will try and persuade both of them to post a little bit about themselves in due course.  Watch this space.

North Uist Patient participation Group.

July 12th, 2011 by Dr Wheeler.

The North Uist Patient Participation group (PPG) has now had a series of initial meetings to set out its role and allocate responsibilities for different members.

The idea of the group is primarily to act as a sounding board for the community – a way for the practice and its patients to communicate on a variety of topics.

There is a different representative for each of the main North Uist areas. For simplicities sake we have divided the island by its telephone directory codes.

Your representative for each area is….

Ms Sandi Humphrey—Sollas
Mrs Chrstina Dick—Lochmaddy
Mrs Isa Mackillop—Locheport
Mr Archie Campbell—Bayhead
Mrs Theona Morrison—Grimsay
Mr John Maclean—Berneray

You can contact your local representative to bring up issues relating to the practice. This could be a request for more information on a particular topic / an idea that you would like to implement to help the health of the community / or a suggestion for changes to the way that the practice works.

Please note that the group is not an appropriate forum for complaints – these should be addressed directly to our practice manager Helen Maclean.

We plan to publish the minutes of each meeting on the website for anyone to see – the first of which can be downloaded here.

To get more info on how the PPG could be used – go to this page in our practice info section.

Vote today.

June 29th, 2011 by Dr Wheeler.

Good luck Sollas!


Hi everyone,

Yes today is voting day for the Taigh Sgire. Lines are open from 9am till 12midnight, you will see our project on the north tonight news at 6pm tonight. Remember it only costs 11p for each vote and you can vote ten times from the same land line, so please please spend that £1.10 on us. You can also vote 10 times from the same mobile, but I don’t know what those calls will cost.

The number to phone is – 08716268888

Thank you all very, very much.

I’ll let you know tomorrow how we get on.


Sollas needs your help!

June 21st, 2011 by Dr Wheeler.

I am copying an email below from Joan in Sollas about the lottery funding for the community hall. I hope everyone in Uist can pull together to help the Sollas community get through this – it would make a huge difference.


Hi everyone,

Taigh Sgire Sholais have been shortlisted by the lottery to compete on STV North on Wednesday 29th June for funding to FINISH the repairs to Dunskellar School. We are up against one other project that night, and if we win we will get £60,000 !!!

What we need is for you to pass this email on to all your friends, family members, work colleagues etc so that we can get as many votes as possible, put it on your facebook, twitter etc. The winner is decided by a public phone vote, the phone number will not be made available to us until 9am on the day we will be on telly and lines are then open till midnight. The number will be in the Daily Mirror and on the link below. Calls cost 11p from a land line and any number can make up to 10 calls, so please vote for us 10 times, this will be the best spent £1.10 ever for the Taigh Sgire. Calls can also be made from mobile phones but I don’t know how much they will cost.

Please follow this link where you will get all the details –

Many thanks for your support, I will send you all an email nearer the time to remind you all, meantime follow the link and click sign in and leave us a message and click support to register your support to our project.

Please, please vote for us, and get everyone you know to vote for us also.

Thanks everyone,

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