Practice news
Upcoming events, changes to the practice or interesting health related news articles will be posted here. If you would like to see any of the practice newsletters that we have published please click here. There is also a live news feed from the health pages of the BBC on the right, click on any story that interests you for further information.
Prescription problems.
October 25th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.Sorry everyone – but there has been a problem with our online prescription service.
This has been tracked down to the organisation that the NHS uses to provide email services – they are currently investigating the issue and hope to have an answer for me by tomorrow.
Please bear with us and use the phone to request prescriptions in the meantime.
Thank you!
October Newsletter.
October 20th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.The latest North Uist Medical Practice newsletter is available! Pick it up in the surgery or view it here.
New doctor in Lochmaddy.
August 16th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler. We want everyone to extend a warm welcome to Dr E Sesay. She has come to North Uist to do specialist training in General Practice after working in a variety of hospital posts in England and Africa.
She is an experienced doctor – originally trained in Sierra Leone, but living in the UK for many years.
It is great that Lochmaddy are training doctors again after a bit of a hiatus. I think that the unique environment here presents a great opportunity for doctors to extend their skills… but to do that we need your help.
When you next book an appointment you may be asked if it is okay to place you with the trainee. Although you may be worried about seeing a different doctor from usual I would urge you to take the opportunity. It is very helpful for Dr Sesay to see a variety of different presenting complaints – and it can also be useful as a patient to get the different perspective that a fresh face can bring to their problems.
As part of her training she is being closely supervised. Any feedback would be appreciated – either directly to her or to myself as her clinical supervisor.
Lochmaddy raft race.
August 13th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.The lochmaddy docs helped out at the local raft race this year – with myself on camera duties… and Dr keiller taking out the safety boat in case there were any accidents.
Great day had by all! Enjoy the video – if you want to watch it in high definition view it directly in you tube.
Prescription form working.
August 13th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.After a recent update – the prescription request form on the website now seems to be working.
Please use this form for any prescription requests from now on – it can be found here.