Practice news

Upcoming events, changes to the practice or interesting health related news articles will be posted here. If you would like to see any of the practice newsletters that we have published please click here. There is also a live news feed from the health pages of the BBC on the right, click on any story that interests you for further information.

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Childrens visit to NUMP.

July 7th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.

North Uist Medical Practice were delighted to see the children from Lochmaddy school recently when they came to visit. We were very impressed by how well behaved and knowledgeable they all were. Hopefully a trip like this helps demystify the process of coming to the doctors so that when they have to come back under less pleasant circumstances they know what to expect. Who knows – perhaps it might also inspire some of them to think of a health care related profession in the future? Click on the picture below to see a gallery of their day out.

The children also made a very impressive report on their visit which you can download from here.

Prescription request problems.

June 15th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.

Thanks to the patients who spotted issues with the prescription request service this week. Our other email forms seem to be working – but there are continuing problems with this particular service. For those who are interested in wordpress web design it seems to be a known bug with a plugin called contact form 7 which is still unresolved…. hopefully i will have an answer soon!

In the mean time please just use your normal email programme to send us your requests at…

A notice has been put up on the prescription page redirecting patients to this email also.

June Newsletter.

June 1st, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.

Our latest practice newsletter is available here.

Still thirsty?

April 7th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.

mini-drinks machineRecent visitors to the practice may have noticed our latest attempt to make your visit here more pleasant.

We hope you will enjoy using the new coffee/tea machine that we have bought from the bring and buy funds.

It is simple to use – instructions are pinned up on the wall next to it. You basically just insert the relevant tea or coffee disc at the top, put an empty cup underneath… and within a few seconds you will have a lovely hot drink to enjoy.

If you haven’t finished your drink by the time the doctor or nurse calls you in, feel free to bring it with you to the room… just don’t spill it!

Hopefully this new feature will make it a bit more bearable to wait if clinics are running behind schedule.

Any questions regarding how to work the machine please ask the reception staff. We would appreciate it if people could contribute 50p to the honesty box whenever you have a hot drink – this will only just cover the costs of running it.

On-line prescriptions.

March 12th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.

The on-line prescription service has proved to be very popular with some of our patients.  The feedback seems to be that it is helpful to be able to place orders at any time 24/7, and it avoids the annoyance of repeatedly hearing an engaged tone when calling at busy times during the day.

Our receptionists find online scripts to be a lot more efficient – so would be keen to free up the telephone even more if possible.

So far to date we have had 53 prescription requests through the net – but we would love it if it could be used a lot more.

So… next time you are about to pick up the phone to order a script.  Think about dropping us an email instead by going to E-practice on the website – or just click here to go straight there. We would really appreciate it, and you might find it easier than you think!

One tip for people using the service multiple times…. make a document in word or notepad with all your drugs written on it.  Save it on your computer, and the next time you need to send us a request you could just copy and paste the ones that you need… saving you from having to write everything out again.

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