Practice news

Upcoming events, changes to the practice or interesting health related news articles will be posted here. If you would like to see any of the practice newsletters that we have published please click here. There is also a live news feed from the health pages of the BBC on the right, click on any story that interests you for further information.

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January 12th, 2010 by Dr Wheeler.

Our latest practice newsletter has been available over the past few days – if you missed it you can see it online (along with our past efforts) here.


November 6th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

Water Cooler

Some of the feedback we have had is that patients would like to be able to easily get a drink of water in the practice.  We have now organised to have a water cooler in the main reception area for the use of everyone… so please help yourself. 

I am not too keen on us using plastic cups – so will be looking into getting a more environmentally friendly system in place for the future. 

Remember that you are meant to drink plenty of water every day if possible (I usually advise 5 glasses a day – but there is no clear evidence as to the ‘correct’ amount which will vary from person to person).  What isn’t in doubt is that good hydration helps prevent fatigue, and dehydration can be a contributing factor to a variety of conditions e.g  urine infections, renal colic, kidney failure, sialoadenitis and various electrolyte imbalances.  It might also make it easier to get urine samples from you when you come to visit – so drink up!

New defibrillator arrives!

November 6th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

NUMP defibrillator.

The defib that you all helped raise money for has finally arrived!  You can read all about its specs here.  I haven’t found any volunteers amongst the staff who would let me try it out on them for real… but I have run the automated test function on it and it seems to work fine. It is fully compliant with the latest changes to the resuscitation guidelines that we follow, and we now have special paediatric pads which will allow its safe use in children in the unlikely event of a paediatric cardiac arrest.

I think we managed to negotiate a good deal on its price – so we still have quite a bit of cash left over to buy more things for the practice.  As mentioned before – any suggestions are welcome.

Online appointments.

October 29th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

Thanks to everyone who told us that the online appointments system was not working this week.  This was due to an issue with ‘EMIS’ – the company that supplies our practice computer systems.

They assure me that they have corrected the problem and you should now be able to book appointments online as before.  Please give us a call if you have any issues, and if you haven’t signed up already now is a good time to do so!

Job Advert

October 23rd, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.


BASIC HOURS PER WEEK:  6  (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday).



Helen Maclean

Practice Manager

01876 500333

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