Practice news

Upcoming events, changes to the practice or interesting health related news articles will be posted here. If you would like to see any of the practice newsletters that we have published please click here. There is also a live news feed from the health pages of the BBC on the right, click on any story that interests you for further information.

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October 5th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

All the staff of North Uist medical practice would like to give a huge thank you to the community for their incredible support at the bring and buy sale.

We all enjoyed the night and were amazed to find the total amount raised coming to £2564.10

Click below to  see some pictures of events.

Bring and buy gallery.

I will post more info on the new defibrillator when we buy it in the next week or two.

We will have a significant amount of money left over and will have to think about other equipment that we could buy for the practice to improve our service.  This could be medical equipment, but it could also be things to improve your experience in the practice i.e. a hot drinks machine, artwork etc.  Use your imagination…  if there is anything you would really like to see the money used for then drop us a line – either on the feedback form, or as a comment on this post.

Bring and Buy 2/10/09

September 18th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

ecgThe defibrillator fund bring and buy has been rescheduled for the 2nd of October.  We hope you can support us – having up to date heart start machines can make a big difference (see the British Heart Foundation for more info).

Bring and Buy cancelled.

September 2nd, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

We have decided to cancel the bring and buy sale scheduled for this Friday upon hearing the sad news of Dr John A J Macleods death last night.  Our thoughts are with his family at this moment.

We hope to be able to run the bring and buy at some future date – we will keep you posted.

Mobile phone text service now live.

August 14th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

texting pic I have now set up a system in the practice to allow our patients to be notified by text for important health reminders.

Just like our online services, patients would need to opt in to this – giving us their mobile number and signing a consent form that would give us permission to add them to our database.

Some possible uses would be to remind people that they are overdue medication reviews; that they need to attend for a blood test/smear test; or that an asthma/diabetic/hypertension clinic is coming up soon. The texts that we will send will be of a very general nature. We will not send actual blood results or specific medical information for example. Rest assured that this service is in addition to our normal communication pathways – we will not rely on text alone to contact you in relation to any important matter.

If you are interested in this service please pop in and speak to us. You can opt out at anytime if you feel it is being too intrusive – though i doubt patients would get much more than a handful of texts a year from us at the very most.

As ever – we will keep your details secure, but the onus will be on yourself to protect privacy at your end. You may wish to consider the chances of other people reading your texts for example – if this concerns you or you are worried about your ability to keep your phone secure then it may be best for you not to sign up at all.

E-Practice now online!

August 12th, 2009 by Dr Wheeler.

i am pleased to report that the online functionality of the site has been fully implemented. Sorry for the delay – this was due to circumstances outwith my control.

You can now order your repeat prescriptions, book appointments, get clinical advice or leave practice feedback through our online links. Check them out at the E-Practice page on the website.

Remember that if you wish to use these online features you must first fill in the necessary consent form.

This new service is aimed at improving practice links with our patients, and giving you more convenient access to our services. We would love to hear how you are getting on with the website through our feedback page. If you have any problems getting things working then we would be happy to help.

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